As I celebrate my first year as United Way president and CEO, I want to thank you again for investing in our work. With 6 of 10 households in Miami-Dade living in or on the edge of poverty, your support has never been more important.
United Way of MiamiDade
Maria C. Alonso
Dear friends,

As I mark my first year as United Way president and CEO, I am more convinced than ever how essential this organization is to our future as a community. With 6 of 10 households in Miami-Dade living in or on the edge of poverty, our work has never been more important. We know that to create economic opportunity, we must attack it from all sides – through education, financial stability and health. To connect you more closely to the impact of this work, starting this month, we are going to devote a newsletter each quarter specifically to each of our areas of focus. As summer winds down and the start of the school year is upon us, our August edition is all about early education. Below, you’ll learn more about how children who attend our United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education Demonstration School, Educare, are outpacing other young children in science and how a father found the support he needed to care for his foster son, among other stories.


Maria C. Alonso
President & CEO
    Leveling the playing field for our community’s children

Learning science at any age involves curiosity, exploration, and discovery. Learn how our United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education’s inquiry-based learning approach is impacting children’s science competency scores.

    Elevating education, championing children

Dedicated to elevating the quality of early care and education in Miami-Dade and beyond, learn how the United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education is working to bring sustainable and lasting change to our community.

    Become a ReadingPals volunteer

Reading well at an early age impacts a child’s understanding of math, social studies and science. Help young children improve their literacy skills by becoming a ReadingPals volunteer.

    Meet Jorge

When Jorge expanded his family to include a second foster child, he and his partner were confronted with a wide range of new challenges. Learn how a United Way funded program helped prepare the youngest member of his growing family for kindergarten and beyond.

    Contributor Spotlight
Marcia Koo
Solutions Design & Implementation Supervisor, UPS

"I have been a loyal contributor of United Way for 25 years. All it took was one agency visit in Coconut Grove for me to want to do more with United Way. This agency provided free day care for single moms within the Grove area. I first joined the Young Leaders and now I am on the Women United Executive Council. Through my involvement in the giving communities I have learned how United Way helps its non-profit agency partners.

United Way offers many different volunteer events throughout the year. I signed up for my second year as a Reading Pal.

I am proud to be on the Women United Executive Council working with very talented women to build a stronger Miami."