Turning contributions into real change. Giving everyone in our community a fighting chance. $172,000 Wells Fargo grant tackles community hunger. Older adult advocacy takes center stage before election day
United Way of MiamiDade
white space Giving everyone in our community a fighting chance

Together, we are the hand-raisers, the problem-solvers…the people who tackle our community’s most complex issues. Learn how we’re turning contributions into real change, so that every person in Miami-Dade can have a fighting chance.

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white space $172,000 Wells Fargo grant tackles community hunger

Wells Fargo and United Way of Miami-Dade are teaming up to address a critical need - vulnerable families with limited access to nutritious food. Learn how we’re impacting lives by expanding our Community Cupboard.

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As part of our work with the Older Adult Advocacy Taskforce, we met with local candidates about the unique needs of older adults. Learn how we’re increasing consciousness among leaders about the issues and opportunities of our aging community.

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Loaned from a wide range of local organizations, our loaned campaign specialists play an important role in United Way’s annual fundraising campaign. Meet this diverse group of community leaders who are helping us change lives by improving the odds for children, families and individuals in Miami-Dade.

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Alice Keller
Dispatcher - Bulk Electric System, FPL

"The beauty of being a United Way volunteer is that there are so many ways in which to give: there will always be a method that fits my current circumstances. When my children were small, my volunteering was on our workplace campaign since I had little free time after work. When they got a little older, they came with me to community building projects. When they were grown and gone (and doing their own volunteering), I had more time to volunteer on my own and, so, served on a couple of committees. Now, my union duties have increased, so I'm on just one committee, but give at the Leadership level. United Way accommodates my needs so that I can help others."
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